Make room in the orchestra; we’ve got another soloist.
Sarah Silverman has joined the cast of Maestro, according to a report from Deadline. She is said to be playing the part of Shirley Bernstein, younger sister to Leonard Bernstein, the movie’s central figure. The film, eyeing a 2023 release from Netflix, has already begun production, as made evident by some drop-your-baton photos in which lead actor and director Bradley Cooper appears transformed by makeup into the 20th century composer and conductor.
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Specifics about the movie are scarce, though Bernstein’s biography is certainly rife with drama. A closeted gay man, he worked to bridge the generation gap, balancing his time as an interpreter of the classical canon with composing and conducting his own work. In addition to Cooper, who portrays Bernstein across different time periods, Carey Mulligan stars as his wife Felicia Montealegre. Also in the mix are Maya Hawke as Bernstein and Montealegre’s daughter, Jamie, and Matt Bomer as one of Leonard’s love interests.
Cooper co-wrote the script with Josh Singer, whose previous credits include notable prestige pictures including The Post, Spotlight, and First Man, as well as such television series as Fringe and The West Wing. Maestro boasts some heavy-hitter producers as well, among them Steven Spielberg (who was once attached to direct) and Martin Scorsese.
Production on Maestro hit the Tanglewood Music Center in Lenox, Massachusetts, earlier this year. Close scrutiny of the first image shared by Netflix suggests that Cooper and Mulligan were photographed at the beloved Koussevitzky Music Shed.
Word of Silverman’s casting comes at a notable interval. When the first photos of Cooper hit social media, there was some discussion about how kosher it is for Bradley Cooper, who is not Jewish, to change his appearance and take on a Jewish role, especially since Jake Gyllenhaal, who is Jewish, was at one time developing his own Bernstein picture.
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